Better marketing will revolutionise your business
Hey, I’m Paul Green and I’m the world’s go to MSP marketing expert.
I believe that building a successful business is the BEST way to create the lifestyle you most want to lead.
That means generating plenty of cash to do everything you want to do – and freeing enough time to enjoy it. For most MSPs that means a bigger house, a better car, and MORE FUN with your family (I’m talking that dream Disney trip, VIP all the way).

I believe this because I’m a busy business owner and family person too
I’m a sole parent to 14-year-old Samm (aren’t teenagers fun to raise?). And juggle that with driving growth in my own business, the MSP Marketing Edge.
For many MSPs, the business they started to gain control over their work becomes a PRISON… a prison of their own design, and they get locked inside. If you take your laptop on vacations so you can help clients, that’s exactly what I mean.

I’ll admit… that was me back in 2010
I’d started my first business five years before, after finishing a 13 year career as a journalist and radio presenter.
At first, I didn’t mind the 80 hour weeks to get the business going. But as I added staff and fought for every little bit of revenue, I began to resent working so hard all the time for so little personal income.
Does this sound familiar?

Everything changed with the birth of Samm, my only child
I realised I was TRAPPED in my business and couldn’t keep working at that pace, while also being a present partner and parent.
So, I made a decision: I was going to get good at marketing.
It didn’t happen overnight. I found 90 minutes every day to start learning and experimenting. My goal was an easy system to generate leads, qualify them as prospects, and get them into a sales meeting.

Understand this
When you reliably know how to win new clients and sell more to them, you can relax.
That’s the hardest part of creating a business that thrives without you. The rest is just about figuring out the operations, systems and people.
What drives me every day is helping MSPs free themselves from their prisons and create businesses that give them the lifestyle they most want. Because…
When you get the marketing right…
You grow your business without needing to be there every day… And create an amazing life for you and your family.
Most MSPs find marketing hard, a ‘dark art’ that’s the opposite of logical technology
I get that. So, I’ve made it my mission to make marketing easy for you.
I’ve created and spent a decade refining a 3 step lead generation system that 700 MSPs around the world rely on. I use it for my own marketing as well.
You build audiences, grow relationships with them and then convert relationships from prospect to client.
Best of all, most of the tasks in this system can be done for you by other people.

Outside of helping my MSP Marketing Edge members with their marketing, I’m very active in the channel
I host the world’s most listened to MSP marketing podcast which has just celebrated its 5th birthday. You’ll find me speaking at some of the world’s biggest MSP growth events and webinars. And I’m all over LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.
Get in touch to book me for your webinar or live event. Or to pitch yourself as a guest on my podcast.

Some personal stuff
I live in a village just outside Milton Keynes in the UK. I’m a keen runner despite an annoying knee injury. And I’m borderline obsessed with the MCU and Doctor Who (look at this giant TARDIS art in my office).
Just as I teach, my business thrives whether I’m working or not. And that’s because of my fantastic team. Many of us have worked together across different ventures for a decade or longer.

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