Ukraine: How to pass on official cyber security advice to your prospects

Ukraine: How to pass on official cyber security advice to your prospects

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on June 17, 2022 2:12 pm

You're probably watching the events in Ukraine with increasing horror; I know I am.

There's a very small, but important part that MSPs can play in this. Are you aware that the authorities in the UK and US have issued official advice for businesses to make sure they have cyber security fundamentals in place?



I believe you have a duty to pass this onto your clients, who should be up to speed on this anyway. It could be used to help persuade them to invest more in their cyber security sooner rather than later.

But the real duty here is educating your prospects

They're not under your umbrella of safety. You're doing a public service by bringing this to their attention.

This is not profiteering. This is using something that has everyone's attention right now, to persuade ordinary business owners and managers who don't understand cyber security, to do the right thing and invest in it.

For the 600+ members of my MSP Marketing Edge service this week, we've given them some materials explaining the security advice given:

  • Syndicated blog article
  • Topical video (UK and US versions)
  • Promotional email

They can implement this in about 10 minutes, and communicate it to their prospects quickly and easily.

Here are 5 things you could do

1) Write a blog for your website

2) Send out the email to your prospect list, to drive them to your site to read about this

3) Make follow-up calls to people who click the link in the email

4) Use your blog for a LinkedIn newsletter (like this)

5) Film a video on your phone of you talking about the advice issued. Load the video into all your social media channels, especially LinkedIn