11 ways to make money selling Microsoft 365

11 ways to make money selling Microsoft 365

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on September 14, 2022 2:59 pm

I'm a big fan of asking experts for specific advice.

So when one of my War Room clients said a few weeks ago "there's no way to make money from Microsoft 365 any more", I reached out to my friends Andrew & Jean Eardley at MSP Easy Tools. More about them at the bottom of this article (including a deal for you, when you tell them I sent you).

They brainstormed for me 11 ways you can make money selling Microsoft 365.

1) Make sure you are selling Microsoft 365 directly

Choose a CSP, such as Inty or Vuzion. You can’t make a profit if your clients are buying it directly from Microsoft.

2) Offer a backup solution

Ensure that you have a Microsoft 365 backup solution that covers emails, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint, such as Datto Backupify, Barracuda, etc.

3) Charge a management fee for dealing with the licensing

Without this, your clients would have to deal directly with Microsoft and you know how time consuming and tedious this can be for them. Many people will pay you to take away things they find to be a hassle.

4) Get rid of your on-prem servers

Go the whole hog - remove all on-premise servers and switch fully to Microsoft 365. This means you simplify your support requirements and no longer need third-line support staff to look after servers.

5) Embrace automation

Use automation systems to solve complex; time-consuming or frequent helpdesk requests. For example, automation scripts within your RMM software. If it's all automated, your first line support staff can take on the role of third-line engineers.

6) Focus third line engineers only on projects

If you can identify and remove the need for any third line engineer to deal with everyday helpdesk requests, they will generate more revenue for you completing projects. Even PowerShell can be automated for first line techs.

You can also use your third line engineers to put together lucrative SharePoint projects such as holiday calendars, automated flows, user interfaces, etc.

7) Constantly monitor 365 in real time

Constantly monitor in real-time, using automated monitoring systems, to make sure your clients are not in any danger from cyber-criminals. This can help to ensure there's no fraudulent presence in your Microsoft 365 platform. Make sure your clients know they are protected by your constant monitoring.

8) Produce monthly security reports

About access to Microsoft 365. This will tick boxes for Cyber Essentials, and GDPR compliance in the UK. These security reports can be automated.

9) Earn from the Who? What? Where? When? of SharePoint and OneDrive

We all know bosses love to have total clarity and control on everything. Let them know WHO has shared WHAT, WHEN and WHERE. The only question they need to ask is... why?

You can charge for this service and they will be more than happy to pay for this level of control, which also ticks compliance boxes, particularly for regulated sectors.

10) Migrate clients to 365 for free

You can tie your clients into long support contracts by migrating them to Microsoft 365 for free. A one-off project fee is nice... but long term monthly recurring revenue has greater impact.

11) Teach prospects just how bad it really is out there

Win new clients by showing them that cyber-criminals are constantly targeting them. If their current IT provider isn’t doing this, you will get some serious kudos for proving this information. There are tools that will show attempted security breaches on their networks. How powerful would it be to show a prospect how many attempted logins there'd been to their specific network?

About MSP Easy Tools

Andrew & Jean and their team have created a suite of software tools that work continuously on 365 accounts. Because they own an MSP and have the same problems as you, they've created incredibly useful solutions

Their tools:

  • Generate valuable Monthly Recurring Revenue for you
  • Protect your clients from cyber-crime
  • Allow first line engineers to solve 3rd line problems

You can learn more at www.mspeasytools.co.uk. Tell them I sent you, and this will unlock exclusive "Paul Green" pricing 😃

EXTRA: Even more ways to make money from Microsoft 365

Michael Frisby from CSP Vuzion sent me some more ideas - thanks Michael. They are:

  • End user training – ensure users know how to get the most out of Microsoft 365 and be productive from wherever they are working
  • Email signatures – add a professional email signature solution that is also a marketing touch point
  • Microsoft Business Voice – replace legacy on-premise phone systems by adding voice services to Microsoft 365, either the native Microsoft services or 3rd party via Direct Routing.  Some nice one off revenues by supplying new headsets and handsets too.
  • Identity Management – knowing it is only your employees that are is accessing Microsoft 365 (and associated services) is key.  Upsell to the Business Premium SKU and turn on Conditional Access and MFA
  • Automate repetitive processes using Power Apps that can be delivered through Teams.  Custom apps can generate incremental recurring revenue
  • Managed Devices – don’t just manage M365, provide a full service wrap that also provides and manages the device