How many visitors do you get to your website? Here’s what one MSP has been doing to drive his traffic up (and it’s generating new leads, too)

This MSP’s getting 650 people visiting his website every month, thanks to Big Mo

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 3:37 pm

How many visitors do you get to your website? Here’s what one MSP has been doing to drive his traffic up (and it’s generating new leads, too)

You see that big bundle of muscle and energy in the AI-generated image there? That's my friend Big Mo (or Big Momentum, to use his full name).

I first read about him in The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, an insanely good book I listened to for the sixth time last week.

You want Big Mo to visit your MSP. When he arrives it signifies you have done something important enough times that it's starting to make a difference.

A real life example. This week, one of my MSP Marketing Edge members told me he's gettng 650 unique visitors every month to his website.

For a small MSP that's a good number.

Side note: I've given him some checks to do on the traffic: Where it's coming from; on which pages are they entering the website; and what are people doing in his site (he can watch their progress using a tool like Hotjar).

Roy says the rise in traffic has come at the same time they've been increasing their overall marketing activity. Over the last six months they've...

  • Implemented the MSP Marketing Edge Weekly Marketing System, which means they have a new blog and video on their website every week, then an email, social media posts and a LinkedIn Newsletter to drive traffic
  • Been running my Ultimate Lead Generation marketing campaign
  • Gone to loads of networking events, and put on their own events
  • Phoned lots of prospects
  • Added new contacts on LinkedIn every day, posted content and commented on other people's posts

Great news for Roy... Big Mo has arrived in his MSP. I told him to keep doing what he's doing. He already has some hot leads and the clients will follow.

Too many MSPs start some marketing activity, try it for a few weeks and then declare "this doesn't work for me".

I declare "nonsense" to this.

Marketing an MSP isn't easy, but it's really not that hard either.

  1. Pick a great marketing strategy
  2. Decide the small number of tactics you will use to implement that strategy
  3. Implement them consistently every day/week/month
  4. Repeat 5,000 times, especially when you are bored of doing the same thing all the time (says Paul, writing his 107th weekly LinkedIn Newsletter in a row)

It's that 4th step that invites Big Mo to your party. And Big Mo always attracts new clients.