's how to make it simpler

Marketing your MSP is a total mind🙁🙁🙁k. Here’s how to make it simpler

Paul GreenUncategorized

There are so many tasks to complete to get great marketing for your MSP, that it can be totally overwhelming. Here's how to get started

See that photo there? That's me meeting with my team in London today. We don't meet in real life that often, and I always get energised when planning the development of our MSP Marketing Edge service over the next 2-3 years.

One of the things we did today was work out every single task an MSP has to do, in order to set up a robust marketing system (those are the Post-it notes).

There are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of them.

Something as important but basic such as "set up a great website" can involve as many as 60 separate tasks. Then you're looking at building audiences, weekly marketing systems, prospect generation and many, many other areas.

No wonder many MSPs consider marketing to be a distress activity:

  • "Paul, what do I do?"

  • "How do I do it?"

  • "Where do I start?"

Side note: We have a cunning plan to make all of marketing ONE MILLION TIMES simpler for our members. I hope to pull the curtain back on that one in the months ahead.

But for now, here's something you can do to make your marketing (or any complicated project) less intimidating and easier to get started:

  1. Brainstorm to capture everything you think you need to do. Go old school and write each item on a Post-it note.

  2. Pick the one item you think is the most important (just one). Put all the other Post-It notes somewhere safe for when you want to start the next project.

  3. Now brainstorm every tiny task that must be done to complete that item. Be as granular as you can. The smaller the task, the better. Each task goes on a Post-it.

  4. Arrange each task Post-it into priority order.

  5. And then... complete one or two tiny tasks. Essentially, you must get started.

If you can get started, you can trick your brain into wanting to complete the overall project (this is known as the Zeigarnik effect). And because each task is so tiny, the pain of doing "one more task" is fairly low.

Clever, huh? This technique will work for any project that's so big it's overwhelming.