Woman wearing superhero cape

A back-to-work mom: Your MSP’s secret weapon

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on November 11, 2022 4:50 pm

We all know that superheroes would be nothing without the real hero working away behind the scenes. 

Iron Man has J.A.R.V.I.S. Batman has Alfred.  Neither of them wear capes, but they're both super-efficient and keep things ticking over while their 'bosses' run round being the face of the operation.

And I truly believe that for MSP owners, one of the greatest resources you can have to help you grow your business is a back-to-work mom.

I've always found back-to-work moms utterly throw themselves into the work you give them. And since they have such a huge amount to offer, your MSP needs to think about what it can offer back.

In my experience, back-to-work moms are partly looking forward to working with adults, because they've spent a significant amount of time looking after kids.

They're often looking for a job that can be done flexibly - possibly around school runs.

And they're also looking to do something that matters and makes a difference.

There are a whole host of roles a back-to-work mom would find engaging and perform to a really high level within an MSP;

- Making phone calls to prospects on your behalf
- A help desk role. You don't really need to be technical to do first level support, anyone can be trained to do that.
- A dispatcher, tasked with keeping clients happy, telling them what's happening while also making sure the technicians do their job.
- A service desk manager.

The skills you're looking for in a back-to-work mom aren't necessarily technical knowledge. What's more important is someone with great communication skills, and credibility.

The other huge benefit to having a back-to-work mom in the mix is they could bring some welcome maturity to the business, particularly if you have a lot of young, male technicians in the team.

The recruitment part of this should be straight-forward. I've only ever had to look as far as important females in my life to help me find the right person.

Whether it's your wife, girlfriend, or someone already in your business, it's likely that within their female network there's a back-to-work mom looking for an opportunity just like yours.

Email me anytime at hello@paulgreensmspmarketing.com , or join 1,800+ MSPs in my MSP Marketing Facebook group today.