Episode 245: You sure that prospect's a great fit for your MSP?

Episode 245: You sure that prospect’s a great fit for your MSP?

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 245: You sure that prospect's a great fit for your MSP?

Episode 245 includes making sure that prospect’s a great fit for your MSP, a new lead has tons of value until one of these 3 things happens and removing your worries about hiring an operations person to free up your personal time

Episode 244: MSPs: The 3 perfect times to ask for a review

Episode 244: MSPs: The 3 perfect times to ask for a review

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 244: MSPs: The 3 perfect times to ask for a review

Episode 244 includes the 3 perfect times to ask for a review, how to generate more marketing content ideas than you could ever use, and how to create a repeatable sales process

Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be… boring???

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

Episode 238 includes why growing your MSP should be… boring, what’s your email marketing spam rate, and how to look at your marketing as a prospect does.

Episode 237: MSPs: What it really means when a prospect says no

Episode 237: MSPs: What it really means when a prospect says no

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 237: MSPs: What it really means when a prospect says no

Episode 237 includes what it really means when a prospect says no, the need for urgency in your marketing, and how to do successful lunch & learns.

Episode 237 includes what it really means when a prospect says no, the need for urgency in your marketing and how to do successful lunch & learns.

Episode 236: Is break/fix outdated… or a valid marketing tactic?

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 236: Is break/fix outdated… or a valid marketing tactic?

Episode 236 includes using break/fix as a useful marketing strategy, success is measured by what you get done, and how to cope with winning too many clients.

Episode 234: How to market your MSP to a vertical

Episode 234: How to market your MSP to a vertical

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 234: How to market your MSP to a vertical

Episode 234 includes how to market your MSP to a vertical, this productivity hack will help you Get Things Done, and engendering happier, more productive staff.

Episode 233: The MSP that's unstoppable

Episode 233: The MSP that’s unstoppable

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 233: The MSP that's unstoppable

Episode 233 includes why you need Big Mo in your business, systemizing your ability to under-promise and over-deliver, and this expert can help you grow your MSP business.