Best practice MSP marketing is a system not a series of campaigns

Best practice MSP marketing is a system, not a series of campaigns

Paul GreenUncategorized

The goal is to get the right message in front of the right person at the right time. Here's how to do that.

Let’s be blunt: Doing a “bit of marketing” now and again does not get results.

You might get lucky from a burst of activity on LinkedIn, or a few Google ads. But growing your MSP is too important to hope for a lucky break.

Instead, you need a marketing system. A system that overcomes the four big problems most MSPs have with their marketing.

Those problems are:

  • The decision makers you want to reach don’t know, what they don’t know: They’re uneducated buyers because they don’t surround themselves with technology like you do. They don’t have the knowledge
  • They make buying decisions with their hearts not their brains: Uneducated buyers can’t make a cognitive buying decision, as they can’t tell if your MSP is any good or not at what you do. So instead, they delegate the decision to their heart. They pick you (or not) based on how they feel about you
  • Inertia loyalty rules: Because they don’t understand technology, they fear it. That fear makes it feel easier to stay with an MSP they’re unhappy with, than switch to someone new
  • People only buy when they are ready to buy: There’s nothing you can do to hurry them along. You just need to be in front of them at exactly the right moment

What you really want is a marketing system that is constantly working day in day out, pouring new leads into the top of your sales funnel. Right?

At the risk of a blatant plug, this is what my team and I have built into the MSP Marketing Edge.

At the core is a Weekly Marketing System that maximises your chance of getting the right message in front of the right person at the right time.

And we only supply it to one MSP per area (so your marketing is never the same as your competitors' marketing). See if your area is still available.