This is the best marketing idea I got from this year's ScaleCon24. If you went, what was yours?
Last week I was speaking at the inaugural three day ScaleCon24 at Las Vegas.
WHAT AN EVENT! I've read much of the feedback online, and 97.4% of it is highly positive. I've agreed to speak again at ScaleCon25 in Dallas and know several MSPs who've already bought their tickets.
Anyway, I was honoured to deliver the marketing keynote at the end of this year's day one, where I showed a few hundred MSPs how doing just 90 mins of marketing every weekday builds up over years into having an EPIC lifestyle.
I also met tons of lovely people - including many members of my MSP Marketing Edge, and some industry giants. Many are Zoom friends I met in real life for the first time.
It was listening to talks from two marketing legends that inspired the new MSP marketing tactic I want to tell you about today. Because it's one you should start using.
First off, Nate Freedman of MSP Sites spoke. Here we are...

Nate and I are the same height! At 5'7" and surrounded by tall IT people, this is a rare thing for me...
For years I've been saying that the best CTA - Call To Action - on your website is to show your live calendar, and encourage leads to book a 15 min video call with you.
Nate agrees with me. In his talk he said that someone who is ready to book a call will be motivated enough to fill in a short data capture form first.
This makes perfect sense. A lead who's ready to talk is unlikely to be put off by giving a little data to access your live calendar.
Data capture -> Live calendar
And then Kevin Clune of MSP Growth Hacks said something in his talk that added another dimension to this (and you can download his slide deck to see all of his great advice)...

This is me and Kevin in the Las Vegas High Roller at Kevin's private networking event. I would say he's standing on a box, but you can see his feet...
He discussed the long known fact that every extra piece of data you ask for during data capture, lowers your response rate. So instead of asking for their full name, company name, email address, website, physical address and phone number...
Just ask for their email address.
Bingo. Zero friction on the data capture form. More conversions.
And then use something called data enrichment to find the rest of their details. This is where you use a service to automatically find their data and add it to your CRM. An example (not a recommendation) is Clay.
Put Nate and Kevin's ideas together, and you get:
Email address only data capture -> Live calendar -> Data enrichment
Very smart and very efficient.
And that was just one of DOZENS of smart strategies and tactics I picked up from this event.
So tell me... if you were at ScaleCon, what was the smartest thing you heard?