I wrote a post on the MSP Marketing Facebook group earlier this week about speed. Here’s a screenshot:

It was inspired by an Irish entrepreneur I’m working with on a big veterinary project right now.
He’s called Gordon Stewart, and he discovered last month that vets in the UK have a real recruitment problem right now (trust me, be glad you don't need to hire vets).
Gordon went away with an idea floating around in his head… and this week launched a new website to solve the problem.
It’s a clever site that aggregates veterinary jobs from across a number of different sites, which should make it the one place all job hunters will automatically go.
What I like about Gordon is the speed at which he implements
We all have good ideas. REALLY good ideas. And often our natural inclination is to sit on them. We figure we’ll get around to them at some point (and are often shocked how long it takes us to do that).
Gordon has an idea. Gets it implemented (in the spirit of “good enough” and never perfect). And gets it to market. For that reason he can FAIL faster.
If it turns out the idea is duff, he can find out quickly and move on to the next idea. Of which there are plenty, because the old ideas aren’t stuck in his head; they’ve been given life, creating space for new ideas to be fleshed out.
What’s the lesson from this? Well, what’s something you’ve been meaning to try in your business, but you haven’t? What’s a marketing initiative that’s waiting to have life breathed into?
Implement fast -> fail fast -> adapt and try again.