
How to use ‘social proof’ on your MSP’s website

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on October 5, 2022 6:06 pm

Most people prefer to do what most other people are doing. 

This is a concept called 'social proof ', and it needs to become a key part of your MSP's marketing strategy.

But first, let's put this into a bit of context. In every day life, 'social proof' is why I wear shirts and jeans all the time. Because that's what I see other business owners wearing. They are the social proof that the shirt-jeans combo is the right thing to wear to do business.

Or for my house refurb, I've been convinced to use a ridiculously expensive brand of paint, because that's what all the magazines say makes a house nice. Those pictures are the social proof that the average tin of paint just won't do.

Back to your business, the social proof that people should pick you as their next MSP is testimonials. Essentially, clients saying nice things about you that will make other people want to be your client too.

Two quick stats for you - 92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. And 64% of people say a testimonial has convinced them to buy a product or service. That's huge.

Social proof is actually even more vital today than when the term was first coined by Dr. Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book, Influence. Because nowadays, the majority of people don't trust advertising. But what they do trust is reviews.

The 3 types of social proof

Clearly, you want a piece of the social proof pie for your MSP.

There are three types of social proof you need to focus on;

1. Testimonials - When someone writes something nice about you, ie "Paul wears really nice shirts and jeans. All. The. Time."

These can be quotes., written down, and go on your website.

The easiest way to get testimonials is to ask for them, and the perfect time to do this is off the back of a successfully resolved support call.

2. Reviews -  Where someone writes something nice about you, but on a platform where you can't edit it, e.g. Google Reviews.

The fact these reviews are seen as independent actually makes them more important than testimonials. But you still need both.

You can actually get a link off Google that will take clients straight to your Reviews page. This is something you can share via email or Facebook etc.

And you might want to offer an incentive for clients that leave you a review, like being entered into a prize draw for some cash or a bit of tech etc.

3. Case studies - These are the best kind of social proof you can have. It's where someone is telling a story about their experience with your MSP.

For case studies, the plot line is as follows. The client has a terrible situation. You come in and resolve it. And then there's always a happy ending, with a big party in the forest with the Ewoks (sometimes you just need a Return of the Jedi reference).

You could get clients to write this kind of story in an email, and then you copy and paste it onto your site somewhere. That would be good.

But, what converts website visitors into customers better than any other medium? Video.

Seeing real people in videos on your website will help people trust your business more.

So, after you next meet with a client, why not whip out your iPhone and ask if they'd mind saying a few quick words about their journey with your business? The questions you ask them are key, more on that in my Ultimate Guide to Video for MSPs.

Now put them everywhere.

You should be aiming for hundreds of testimonials on your website (eventually). All from local business owners and managers who are so much in love with your business that they are happy to have their name, photo, and - even better - a video of themselves on your website to endorse what you do.

I appreciate this might sound like overkill, but testimonials are wasted if they’re all stuck on a single Testimonials page. Put them on every page, as these provide powerful context and could well be the tipping point for your next sale.

Any questions, any time (preferably about MSPs and marketing. Or Star Wars.), email me at . Me on the other end it is.