Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be… boring???

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

Episode 238 includes why growing your MSP should be… boring, what’s your email marketing spam rate, and how to look at your marketing as a prospect does.

Episode 227: MSPs: Get 408 comments on a LinkedIn post

Episode 227: MSPs: Get 408 comments on a LinkedIn post

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 227: MSPs: Get 408 comments on a LinkedIn post

Episode 227 includes – can you generate leads by literally knocking on doors, achieve INSANE engagement with a 48 hour LinkedIn frenzy, and how to avoid ‘spammy’ marketing.

Episode 205: A smart LinkedIn MSP marketing trick

Episode 205: A smart LinkedIn MSP marketing trick

Paul Green

Episode 205: A smart LinkedIn MSP marketing trick
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 205: A smart LinkedIn MSP marketing trick

Episode 205 includes finding the ideal regular cadence for your marketing system, generate more leads with LinkedIn lead magnets, and get new clients and grow your MSP

Episode 202: Ghosted by prospects? Try this

Episode 202: Ghosted by prospects? Try this

Paul Green

Episode 202: Ghosted by prospects? Try this
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 202: Ghosted by prospects? Try this

Episode 202 includes how to encourage ‘ghost’ prospects to re-engage, grow your LinkedIn connections and email database at the same time, and leadership, true client partnerships and the voice of the CIO

Episode 200 SPECIAL - 5 times this podcast has changed MSP's lives

Episode 200 SPECIAL: 5 times this podcast has changed MSP’s lives

Paul Green

Episode 200 SPECIAL - 5 times this podcast has changed MSP's lives
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 200 SPECIAL: 5 times this podcast has changed MSP's lives

Episode 200 includes the MSP that grew revenue with stories, the MSP that won a client from cold calling, the MSP that quit a habit and never looked back, the MSP that makes money by sending emails, and the MSP who created the best website.

Episode 189 - Market cyber security without using FEAR

Episode 189: Market cyber security without using FEAR

Paul Green

Episode 189 - Market cyber security without using FEAR
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 189: Market cyber security without using FEAR

Episode 189 includes your views on the value (or otherwise) of SLAs, avoid FUD when marketing cyber security, and the impact of AI on marketing.