LinkedIn - get new clients

Video: How MSPs use LinkedIn to get new clients

Paul GreenUncategorized

LinkedIn has become such a powerful marketing tool for MSPs. Yes it’s a numbers game. But if you can connect to enough people and start enough conversations, the odds are …

6 areas of business improvement

6 areas of business improvement (2 of them free you from the business)

Paul GreenUncategorized

There are 6 different areas you can improve your business. Two of them you probably already do brilliantly. Two of them grow the business (and its net profits). And the …


Your business’s most precious and finite resource

Paul GreenUncategorized

Question: What’s the true purpose of your business? It’s not to provide MSP services, or to keep clients happy. That’s just what it does. I strongly believe that the purpose …


Handy calculator: Why your marketing MUST be more than just new clients

Paul GreenUncategorized

For years I have banged on about marketing being a lot more than just getting new clients. It’s about keeping them and getting them to choose to spend more as …

Infusionsoft logo

The best MSP marketing software? A love letter to Infusionsoft

Paul GreenUncategorized

If you’re in any way serious about growing your MSP in a systematic way, you need marketing software. Autotask and Connectwise might be fine for clients. But in my experience …

Intrigued French Bulldog

The simplest way to get new clients: The intrigue letter

Paul GreenUncategorized

There are dozens of ways you can get new clients. Literally, dozens. Each have their pluses and minuses. NetworkingSome people swear by networking. I swear at it (because I think …

Got something to lose

Get new clients: What prospects fear about MSPs

Paul GreenUncategorized

Fear. It’s a surprisingly strong driver of your prospects. Put more precisely, they are more driven by the avoidance of pain, than they are by the opportunity to gain. You …