Episode 243: Sacrifice one monitor to sell more hardware

Episode 243: Sacrifice one monitor to sell more hardware

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 243: Sacrifice one monitor to sell more hardware

Episode 243 includes sacrifice one monitor to sell more hardware, how to fix a marketing machine that’s not producing leads and why you’ll never get good traffic for a search term like data backup until you make one specific tweak

Episode 214: What if you could only work 1 hour a day?

Episode 214: What if you could only work 1 hour a day?

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 214: What if you could only work 1 hour a day?

Episode 214 includes adding value to your business in 60 minutes, for how long should you ask a client to commit to you, and focus your marketing by defining your target market.

Episode 208: MSPs: Target these 4 awesome verticals

Episode 208: Target these 4 awesome verticals

Paul Green

Episode 208: MSPs: Target these 4 awesome verticals
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 208: Target these 4 awesome verticals

Episode 208 includes four awesome verticals you should target, making it EASY for buyers to choose you, and how to improve your recruitment to find the best techs for your MSP.

Episode 194 SPECIAL - Could your MSP survive losing 50% of revenue?

Episode 194 SPECIAL: Could your MSP survive losing 50% of revenue?

Paul Green

Episode 194 SPECIAL - Could your MSP survive losing 50% of revenue?
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 194 SPECIAL: Could your MSP survive losing 50% of revenue?

Episode 194 includes an extended interview with MSP MD Henry Duncombe. Henry shares his story, from joining the business as an engineer to becoming its MD, including the measures he took to ensure the survival of his MSP following the loss of a £4.5 MILLION client.

Special: How this MSP can dominate his niche

Episode 178 SPECIAL: How this MSP can dominate his niche

Paul Green

Special: How this MSP can dominate his niche
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 178 SPECIAL: How this MSP can dominate his niche

In Episode 178 I’m joined by our MSP Marketing Facebook Group competition winner Tony Sollars for a one on one marketing consult. We talk about his business and what marketing he’s already doing to promote it, and I offer him some advice on things he could try or improve to push his business to the next level and become the dominant player in their niche.

Episode 174: Should MSPs do lunch & learns?

Episode 174: Should MSPs do lunch & learns?

Paul Green

Episode 174: Should MSPs do lunch & learns?
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 174: Should MSPs do lunch & learns?

Episode 174 includes building strategic partnerships within your vertical to promote growth, should MSPs do lunch & learns, and how a servant leader management approach can empower your team to success